– Mission Statement

Founded in 2017, the Dutch Armenian Chamber of Commerce Foundation (DACCF) is a membership-based organization devoted to fostering economic, investment, trade and tourism cooperation between the Republic of Armenia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The DACCF was founded on the initiative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Armenia and with the strong support from the government of the Netherlands. By providing a comprehensive range of services, the DACCF assists both Dutch and Armenian companies and professionals in conducting successful business together. We are directly involved in providing services to small and medium-sized Dutch companies that wish to establish operations in Armenia, thus supporting strong economic relations and investment opportunities between the two countries, as well as promoting the Dutch business culture and its thriving spirit in Armenia and introducing Armenian heritage to Dutch people. The DACCF staff and an extensive network of outside corporate partners help identify valuable new business opportunities and obtain breakthrough support. The Foundation also encourages experience exchange by holding panel discussions and networking events.

- Our Mission

  • To serve as a bridge for Dutch-Armenian economic relations and build business links by promoting and supporting the development of closer investment and trade connections between Armenia and the Netherlands.
  • To deliver a wide range of unique services to Dutch businesses and professionals through the provision of information about the economic environment in Armenia, introduction on legal framework for doing business in Armenia, advice on business related issues.
  • To encourage to further strengthen and expand the government-to-government relationship between Armenia and the Netherlands through facilitating information sharing, business networking and professional development.

- Becoming a Member

Our membership includes companies and individuals who are interested in strengthening economic relations between Armenia and the Netherlands. For all additional information on membership and its benefits, please submit Request Form and we will contact you shortly!